Total healing usually must be accompanied by a program of internal cleansing (Cleanse), proper diet (Balance and Build), and supplementation (Nourish and Support).
This may also include lifestyle changes such as exercise, meditation, and stress-free situations.
Cleansing the colon and liver is the first and most important step to take when dealing with any disease.
Many imbalances may be corrected by cleansing alone!
"I don't know if I did it right...but I feel better!"
According to a survey done by the Environmental Protection Agency, every single person tested showed some evidence of pretrochemical pollution in their body.
Their tissues and FAT.
Yes, your body stores toxins and chemicals in fat!
Could this be why there's some extra "holding on" in some of us?
I won't answer for you...something to research.
Some of the chemicals found included styrene, xylene, benzene, and toluene.
All of this causes the I word:
Inflammation in a system plugged down with toxins and waste debris is unable to absorb all the life-giving nutrients it needs and is pushed into a state of dis-ease.
If you think of cleansing like spring cleaning the house, here's what you're going to do:
1. Open detox + elimination pathways (Open the windows)
2. Increase vitality (Turn on the lights)
3. Reduce inflammation (Dust + Mop)
4. Reduce toxic load (Take out the trash)
Cleansing helps get things OUT of the body!
Cleansing gives the body the strength to fight off the dis-ease and not be encumbered or overloaded with the accumulation of toxins, mucous, and parasites that have build up over the years.
A good cleanse uses multiple avenues to open up detoxification and elimination pathways in order for the body to function at it's fullest potential possible in doing what it's designed to do.
Interesting, right?