We all know that it's a good idea to ... buy organic, eco-friendly products.
But what about the toxic chemicals that are already in our home. I have been fooled and purchased products that are labeled “organic” or “all natural”. The reality is that these terms don’t actually have much meaning.
Chances are, you're using them every day without even realizing it. Let's take a look at 10 of the most ...
According to the American Lung Association, there are many cleaning supplies and household products on the market that can cause numerous health conditions from minor things like throat or eye irritation to headaches all the way to major things like cancer. Read more about it here…
Read more...You can also enhance your cleaning with essential oils!
Essential oils can be diffused to freshen the air, naturally deodorize any space, and enhance your cleaning products! Adding a few drops of essential oils such as Lemon, Pine, Purification®, Tea Tree and of course Thieves or Thieves Cleaner or your DIY cleaners is great way to improve your home cleaning.
These are some of our favorite oils to add to your cleaning routine. Tell us your favorite oils to clean with below!