Learn the what, when and how by diving into my email class that is providing deeper insight. By committing to a cleansing journey, you can achieve a state of well-being and long-lasting benefits. Cheers to a healthier, happier you!

We all know that it's a good idea to ... buy organic, eco-friendly products.
But what about the toxic chemicals that are already in our home. I have been fooled and purchased products that are labeled “organic” or “all natural”. The reality is that these terms don’t actually have much meaning.
Chances are, you're using them every day without even realizing it. Let's take a look at 10 of the most ...

We’ve all been there—you’re walking through a department store and some overly-enthusiastic salesperson has sprayed you with their newest fragrance.
You barely have time to register that you’ve been doused in an overpowering scent before you’re quickly ushered away from the cloud of stench. I often ride in taxis and good old Uber. The drivers almost always have an “air freshener”..... Freshener?
One of the best ways to make small changes in your home is to be aware of what ingredients to avoid.
Let’s talk about the Dirty Dozen; the Dirty Dozen is a list of twelve ingredients that we suggest avoiding when choosing products for your home.